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Búsqueda por autor: Winter School in Real Geometry (1994 : Madrid)
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Lectures in real geometry

editor: Fabrizio Broglia.

Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter, 1996.

xiv, 268 págs. ; 25 cm.

Serie: De Gruyter expositions in mathematics, ISSN 0938-6572 ; 23

ISBN: 3110150956

"Elaborated versions of the lectures given ... at the Winter School in Real Geometry, held in Universidad Complutense de Madrid, January 3-7, 1994, in memory of Mario Raimondo, a bright young Italian mathematician who died prematurely on January 11, 1992."—Foreword.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas.

Reseña: MathSciNet, 97j:14003


  • Marie-Françoise Roy, Basic algorithms in real algebraic geometry and their complexity: from Sturm's theorem to the existential theory of reals
  • Masahiro Shiota, Nash functions and manifolds
  • A. Tognoli, Approximation theorems in real analytic and algebraic geometry
  • Ciro Ciliberto and Claudio Pedrini, Real abelian varieties and real algebraic curves
  • Alberto Tognoli, Mario Raimondo's contributions to real geometry
  • Tomas Recio and Maria-Emilia Alonso, Mario Raimondo's contributions to computer algebra.
Registro 003685 · Modificado: 06/04/2013

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